Am I Institutionalized?
Karrem Johnson JX0161
I commend you for your efforts 2 bridge the gap between the incarcerated world & the free world, which is extremely important. I humbly accept your invitation & the accompanying tasks that comes with carrying the flag of TheSurvivors Community. You've stated that the beginning segment is, Am I Institutionalized? For me, that's an easy question, No. I believe that I have some Institutional traumas, but Institutionalized, no. I think a question that I would like 2 propose is AM I INHUMAN? I know I'm human and my life has value, meaning & purpose. The problem is I more than often feel like most of the rest of mankind fails 2 acknowledge my humanity. Even those that I share blood with or possess love 4. It appears that most of society gives precedence 2 the rights of all other creations over those incarcerated. It appears that their mindset is lock 'em up & throw away the key, whether they're innocent, wrongfully convicted, treated unjustly, etc. or that they're locked up, they're good, which is far from the case. It amazes me how 1 can profess their "unconditional 'love" for someone & not put substantial efforts 2 help one help them self out of dire situations. One in the free world cannot stand 2 see their pocketbook sized pooch locked in their doggy cage 4 too long but can stand 2 see their blood whom provided 4 & protected them sitting in a cell 4 years on years, even decades, being treated worst than the pooch they carry in their purse & feed off of their own plate. I spoke 2 a close relative a few weeks ago about another relative that had fell ill, after losing my grandmother & father back 2 back. I gave her some sound advice in my usual nonchalant, casual tone. She said she loved the fact that I'm always so calm during trying times. I told her that emotions have no place in sound judgements, it only makes it worst. The part I didn't tell her was that I'm that way cause I have no choice when u only can consistently rely on your Lord & then yourself. STAY TRUE!